Erasmus Generation
in Action
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About Erasmus Generation in Action

ESN is thrilled to be leading this ambitious project supported by the European Parliament, EGiA is set to engage a significant number of young Europeans in discussions about their role as active citizens. We will analyse in the first phase of EGiA the barriers to mobility with local dialogues throughout Europe. Then we will engage in mobility promotion activities, create a Wizard in the portal sharing info on how to vote from abroad, and finally we will culminate with active citizenship promotion in 2024 and debates and engagement with stakeholders and policymakers via policy dialogues EU-wide. We’re making the difference, you can’t miss any of these so stay in the loop!

What we want to achieve

This project is a major step forward in ESN's mission to promote active citizenship among European youth, and we are excited to see the impact it will have. We will understand the needs of youth when it comes to accessing EU opportunities; empower youth to become changemakers via trainings happening all over Europe; promote discussions, engagement, and debates between EU youth and policymakers; and foster voting and active citizenship in light of the upcoming European Parliament’s election in June 2024.

EU opportunities for young people

Icon expressing development and integration of digital skills

In Phase 1, we will conduct a needs assessment on EU opportunities for young people. This includes desk research on EU opportunities, accessibility, as well as ways for youth to access their citizenship and social rights.

Icon expressing fostering the use of ICT tools

Empower the Erasmus Generation

In Phase 2, we will empower the Erasmus Generation to become changemakers in Europe to benefit societies. This includes a manual for onsite activities, training for local and national volunteers, and capacity-building events.

Erasmus Generation as active citizens

Icon expressing raise awareness

In Phase 3, we will focus on the Erasmus Generation as active citizens in the European elections. This includes an online voting platform, resources on how to vote from abroad, and outreach activities reaching 2 million people.

Icon expressing upskilling of the learning and teaching experience

Promoting active citizenship to European youth

Phase 4 is a horizontal one. Throughout the project, the portal will be promoted, reporting on campaigns and events at the EU and national level, and providing detailed information on how to vote abroad.


Find here the news and latest updates on the Erasmus Generation in Action story.

the European flag

What’s new for EGiA? A recap of 2023 and a roadmap for 2024

As the 2024 European Elections approach, this project by the Erasmus Student Network, co-funded by the European Parliament, is seeking to mobilise young Europeans. The Erasmus Generation in Action (EGiA)...

13 Feb 2024

the European flag

How to vote from abroad in the upcoming European elections? The Erasmus Generation unveils the new ‘’voting from abroad’’ section

In a move towards fostering greater democratic participation, ...

07 Feb 2024

the European flag

From adversity to triumph: EGiA awards €1,000.00 to five outstanding storytellers participating in EU exchange programmes

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is proud to present the journeys of ...

08 Dec 2023

the European flag

EGiA approves of the European Parliament's 2024 Election Proposals

Greetings, everyone! ESN is excited about the recent developments in the European Parliament regarding the 2024 European elections and especially the strong synergy ...

30 Oct 2023

front picture of the competition winners with people smiling and holding the ESN star

Winners Announced for "Your Erasmus with ESN" Storyteller Competition

he Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is thrilled to announce the winners of the "Your Erasmus with ESN" storyteller competition, a part of the Erasmus Generation ...

15 Sept 2023

EGiA cover image representing three people holding European Union flags

Erasmus Generation in Action: ESN launches flagship initiative for the European Elections 2024

The project, co-funded by the European Parliament, will seek to mobilise young Europeans through international opportunities...

20 July 2023


Within EGiA, we have produced a number of key resources to empower young people and the Erasmus Generation and that stakeholders working in the field of youth and mobility can also benefit from. These include a Guidebook on how to organise mobility promotion events, a Guidebook on promoting volunteering, our final report on the dozens of EGiA focus groups that we have organised all over Europe, a tool to find information on how to vote from abroad for the upcoming European Parliament’s elections and more! You can find the EGiA resources below.


Find below the link to the Mov’in Europe Guidelines

Discover the Mov’in Europe Guidelines!

Volunteering promotion

Find below the link to the Volunteering Promotion Guidelines

Discover the Volunteering Promotion Guidelines!

EGiA focus groups findings

Find below the link to the EGiA focus groups findings!

Discover the EGiA focus groups findings!

Voting from abroad tool

Find below the link to the Voting from abroad tool!

Discover the Voting from abroad tool!

Communication materials

Find below the link to the Communication materials!

Discover the Communication materials

The story that we will live

Find below the milestones of our journey in our EGiA story from January 2023 until June 2024.

  • Image of a person typing on a laptop.

    January - June 2023

    Assessing the needs

    The first step of our EGiA journey will see the implementation of focus groups with youth taking place all over Europe to assess the needs and the barriers to accessing EU opportunities.

  • Image of a person looking on a laptop.

    July - December 2023

    Boots on the ground

    As a second step we will engage in mobility promotion activities EU-wide via a selection of the best tested engagement activities ranging from international dinners and flag parades to conferences, sports events, exhibitions and much more.

  • Image of a person on a videoconference.

    January - March 2024

    Engaging policymakers and acting

    In 2024 we will organise policy dialogues at the EU-level in various member states engaging with policymakers at the local, regional, national, and international levels. The aim will be to foster active citizenship, discussions, debates, and awareness building the momentum for the parliamentary elections in June.

  • Image of a person wiritng on a paper.

    April - June 2024

    Time to vote!

    Finally, we will mobilise the Erasmus Generation to foster voting and share all the needed information for mobile people to be fully aware on how to vote from abroad. By this time we will have published a Wizard on the Erasmus Generation portal and the ESN Network will work at full capacity to foster voting turnover among young people.

  • Be Part
    Of Our

Who is behind this initiative?

Erasmus Generation in Action is led by Erasmus Student Network International, in cooperation with ESN's National Organisations from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and The Netherlands for the EU countries and Albania, Armenia, Turkey, Switzerland, and Georgia for the non-EU countries.

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